Spring Formula Calculator

In order to offer the better technical support, JMS creates a sheet to calculate mechanical properties of springs. You may fill up the flowing info, and click [CALCULATE], then you will get the spring constant and applied load. If you need any further assistant, please don’t hesitate to contact us online or via phone call.

為提供客戶更方便快速的技術支援,抉懋集團設計線上彈簧相關力值試算表,包含壓縮彈簧、拉伸彈簧及扭轉彈簧。您可填妥以下所需資料,點選【計算】鍵,即可獲得壓簧、拉簧及扭簧K值/彈簧常數(Kg/mm)及力值/荷重(Kg)。若有其他技術問題,歡迎線上聯絡我們,我們將派專人在最短時間內與您聯絡,亦可參考公司資訊,直接來電諮詢。更多: 常見彈簧公式計算Q&A


Compression Spring Calculator

Please enter the following values to calculate the srping constant and applied load.

    Results are based on the input values.


    Tension Spring Calculator

    Please enter the following values to calculate the srping constant and applied load.

      Results are based on the input values.


      Torsion Spring Calculator

      Please enter the following values to calculate the torsion spring constant and applied load.

        Results are based on the input values.